Content Details

1.1 Identification of the element

Social practices, rituals and festive events

1.2 Name of the element, as used by the community or group concerned

Diwali, 'Festival of lights' at Mahasmashan, Hindu Crematorium

1.3 Short, maximally informative title (including indication of domain(s))

Diwali, is celebrated every year at the Hindu crematorium during Kali Puja.

1.4 Community(ies)/group(s) that recognize the element as part of their cultural heritage

Hindu community of Barishal.

1.5 Physical location(s) of the element/how often it is practiced

Crematorium in Barishal city

1.6 Short description (max. 200words)

A two-day Diwali cremation ceremony is organized every year, during the occasion of Kali Puja, at the largest crematorium in the subcontinent in Barishal town of Bangladeshl, at Kaunia Mahasmashan in the city to seek peace of the soul of deceased relatives. Around the Diwali festival, the Mahasmashan area becomse a popular destination for people from home and abroad. The whole cremation area is illuminated by candlelight. At this time, relatives pray for the peace of the soul of their loved ones and the followers of traditional religion believe that worshiping the ghost on the 14th day before Kali Puja brings peace to the soul of the deceased. So, the bereaved light a lamp on the altar and pray to the Creator for heavenly bliss for the departed souls. He added that the cremation Diwali festival which started on Friday night will end at 10 pm on Saturday. Every year on this day, Hindus come to the grave of their relatives at the original crematorium of Barisal on the full moon day of Chaturthadashi and pay their respects by lighting candles. Besides, worship is performed there. On the occasion of Diwali festival, thousands of Hindu men and women from different parts of the country gathered at Kaunia Mahasmashan and Adi crematorium of Natun Bazar. On the occasion of this festival, the cremation protection committee decorates the traditional Kaunia crematorium with lights. Thousands of people from all over the country, including India, gather at the traditional crematorium every year to pay their respects at the cremation Diwali festival. Meanwhile, on the occasion of Diwali festival According to sources, the tomb of Mahatma Ashwini Kumar Dutt, one of the leaders of the anti-British movement, has recently been brought from India. Strict security measures are put in place by the administration around the Diwali festival, the largest crematorium in the subcontinent. Cremation Diwali festival has been celebrated in Barisal since 1928. During the two-day festival, various cultural programs are organized for the visitors.

1.7 Domain of the element (select one or more/suggest alternative domain)

2. Characteristics of the element

2.1 Practitioners(s)/performer(s): roles, age, gender, social status, and/or professional category etc)

2.2 Other tradition bearers (individuals/groups and their roles)

2.3 Language(s), register(s), speech level(s) involved

2.4 Associated tangible elements ( if any)

2.5 Associated intangible elements (if any)

2.6 How are women and people of other genders associated with this ICH element

2.7 Division of labour during the practice of aforementioned ICH element

2.8 Customary practices governing access to the element or to aspects of it

2.9 Modes of transmission

2.10 Organizations concerned (non-governmental organizations and others)

3. State of the element (viability)

3.1 Threats to the enactment (if any)

3.2 Threats to the transmission (if any)

3.3 Threat to associated tangible elements and resources (if any)

3.4 Viability of associated intangible elements (if any)

3.5 Safeguarding measures in place (if any)

4. Data gathering/documentation, Consent and preparation of inventory entries

4.1 Consent of community/group/individuals concerned for data collection with a view to inventorying

4.2 Restrictions, if any, on use of data collected

5. Resource Person

5.1 Persons/groups, including community representatives

5.2 Date(s) and place(s) of data gathering

Date :
Place(s) :

6. Safeguarding techniques

6.1 Existing safeguarding techniques in the community for the safeguarding of the ICH element

6.2 Suggestions for safeguarding of the ICH element from the community

7. References to literature, discography, audiovisual materials or archives

7.1 References to/in literature

7.2 Audiovisual materials or archives

7.3 Discography or archives

8. Modalities for updating the information contained in the inventory entry

8.1 Persons/groups, including community representatives, who compiled the inventory entry

8.2 Consent of community/group/individuals concerned for data collection with a view to inventorying

8.3 Date of community consent to include the entry on an inventory

8.4 Present condition of the cultural element

9. Community suggestions

(a)Brief description of suggestions for safeguarding of the element by community members/experts/holders, if any

(b)Brief description of restrictions on use of data collected, if any